North State Bank

Join the Party!
We are counting down to the 22nd annual Summer Salute for Transitions LifeCare. Make plans to be there:
Saturday, May 31 | 6 PM
Raleigh’s North Ridge Country Club
Featuring Music by The Embers
With a special toast to our presenting sponsor, North State Bank, in celebration of their 25th anniversary.
Be part of Raleigh's best beach party!

Dance the night away!
The Event
Saturday, May 31, 2025 | 6 PM
North Ridge Country Club
North Ridge Country Club
- Beach Music by The Embers with Craig Woolard
- Heavy Hors D'oeuvres
- Live Auction
- Raffle Prizes
- Pink Flamingo Casino
It’s as close to the beach as you can get and still be in Raleigh!

$2.4 million donated since 2003!
Benefiting Transitions LifeCare
Transitions LifeCare is a nonprofit organization that provides care for individuals and families with compassion, support, and expertise as they navigate the end of life or a life-changing illness. Their circle of care approach includes support for patients and their families, with services tailored to meet the needs, wishes, and goals of each patient and family member.
Summer Salute Through the Years
The first Summer Salute was in 2003 . . . five years before iPhones made their debut. While much has changed, one thing has not: the critical need for the services provided by Transitions LifeCare. Twenty years later, we’re tickled pink to continue to help support the fantastic work done by this organization.

The People Who Make it Possible