We specialize in loans for HOAs managed by a professional community association management company. Created for HOAs, our loan qualifications take into account the structure of a HOA and we offer flexible terms and competitive rates.
Loan Types
Commonly Asked Questions
What is the typical term for a community association loan?
Most HOA loan terms are between one and ten years. As a general rule of thumb, the maximum loan term is half of the life expectancy of the repair or improvement completed with the loan proceeds.
Who is the borrower?
The HOA is the borrower, not the individual homeowners.
What type of assets can serve as collateral?
The most common source of collateral are dues and assessments (both current and future). This also includes, but is not limited to, the association's deposits. Real estate is rarely used as collateral.
What are the most important items considered during the loan application?
We look at a variety of factors including, but not limited to:
- Association size
- Delinquency percentages
- Cash flow
- Owner composition and concentration
Depending on the factors above, the bank may finance up to 100% of the project costs.
Loans are subject to credit approval.