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Banking Team

What makes North State stand out from the rest? Our team. From the bankers pictured below to our team members who serve in other roles and behind the scenes, they are the not-so-secret ingredient to why customers place their trust in us.
Daisia Beard headshot
Downtown Raleigh
Don Borowski headshot
Wake Forest
Gina Bunch headshot
West Raleigh
Devin Burch headshot
North Hills
Bret Burgess headshot
North Hills
Deborah Dublo headshot
Ryan Fricke headshot
North Raleigh
Jonathan Hand headshot
North Raleigh
Jennifer Jones headshot
North Raleigh
David Smithey headshot
Eva King headshot
Downtown Raleigh
Jeremy Lambert headshot
North Hills
Tara Lau headshot
North Hills
John Lehman headshot
North Raleigh
Grayson Merrill headshot
North Raleigh
Laura Miller headshot
Sharon Moe headshot
Downtown Raleigh
Emily Molgaard headshot
West Raleigh
Brittany Moore headshot
Downtown Raleigh
John Norwood headshot
North Raleigh
Kevin Payne headshot
Justin Pilarczyk headshot
North Raleigh
John Purcell headshot
West Raleigh
Jonathan Racine headshot
Downtown Raleigh
Kevin Rolfe headshot
Bobby Ross headshot
North Raleigh
June Sadowski headshot
Wake Forest
Susu Seadler headshot
Wake Forest
Sabrina Sells headshot
Tanner Settles headshot
North Raleigh
Kyle Smith headshot
North Raleigh
Ken Sykes headshot
North Raleigh
Aleceya Taylor headshot
North Raleigh
Liz Terwilliger headshot
Wake Forest
Harryson Turner headshot
West Raleigh
Michael Vincent headshot
North Hills
Frank Williams headshot
Eric Zuniga headshot
North Raleigh

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